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Are Black Women Too Aggressive?

Hey everyone! In this blog post, I want to talk about a sensitive topic - are black women too aggressive? This is something that I've been thinking about a lot lately, and I want to open -up the conversation to see what others think.

I remember growing up, I was always taught that it's not ladylike to be too aggressive. I was taught to be humble, to never speak too loudly, and to always be aware of my body language. As a black woman, I often felt like I had to accommodate my behavior to fit into white standards of what is considered polite and ladylike. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with being ladylike, but I do think that black women are often judged more harshly than other women when it comes to displays of assertiveness or aggression. We're seen as being "too loud," "too aggressive," or "too angry." And while white women are often praised for being assertive and strong, black women are often seen as being "Too Much". I'm not here to say whether or not black women are actually too aggressive - I honestly don't know. But I am curious to hear what others think about this topic.

Do you think black women are held to different standards when it comes to aggression? Do you think we're judged more harshly than other women? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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